Breaking News
Friday, 10 February 2012

Info Post


With current huge worldwide sales of Apple’s iPhone 4s, people have been wondering if and when the new innovative version called iPhone 5 will be release. Prompting high expectations of what innovative and groundbreaking features it would present and given its huge stats on social media trending towards its release date. Indeed, the iPhone 5 revolutionary launching will happen Summer of 2012.
Even if Apple has not in any way release into the mainstream its soon to be talked about features, all fanatics and loyal iPhone consumers will expect the following inventive and avant-garde rumored features for iPhone 5 such as:
1.    4+ Inch Display
2.    Teardrop-shaped Structure
3.    iOS 5.0
4.    iMessage features – Connectivity with other phone models
5.    A5 Dual Core Processesor
6.    Black and White Color Feature Design
7.    5 or 8 Megapixels for its Camera feature
8.    iCloud Remote Connection
9.    oLED Screem
10.  A more sexier body design
11.  Scratch/Scatter Proof Screen
Devoted Smartphone buyers will surely be looking forward to this new iPhone 5 and is expected to beat all competing mobile manufactures across the globe and score huge audience shares this 2012.
Lets all expect that the iPhone 5 worldwide release announcement by Apple will happen early this year.
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